Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Practice Tip: Treat Others the Way You Want to be Treated

Yesterday, even though it was Monday and all the BLAH that comes with Monday, it turned out to be a good day on the workfront. I got the satisfaction I seek in my job once again from a client. Something I have learned, especially in doing Estate Administration is you MUST MUST treat your client the way you want to be treated or better. Most of my clients have come to our office because a loved one has died or a parent has been declared Incompetent. If you have never in your personal life had to deal with any of these things, then you are blessed. If you have, then you know how very hard it is to function during that time.

Most of my clients just want someone to listen. So many times, I take on the role of therapist (unintentionally). I do let them know I care, I listen to their stories about their loved one. I encourage them, I cry with them, I let them know that I am not a cold person sitting behind a desk dealing with the numbers and business of dying. I hug them, I let them know that I am a real person, who really cares about not only helping them with what they are going through legally, but understanding how hard it is personally to deal with what they are dealing with. The business of death is big business. Funerals, gravestones, attorneys, CPA's, IRS, NC Dept of Revenue, medical offices, hospitals and nursing homes and on and on all want a piece of the pie "right now". Seems like there should be a waiting period in our society to allow family members to grieve and not have to deal with the "business" of death so soon. Often funeral homes want payment within 30-60 days after the funeral. You are talking about $2,500 - $15,000 depending on various items!

I digress, yesterday, my client came in to sign the Final Accounting for the Estate of her father. The attorney breezed through and did what needed to be done. Once the attorney had finished, I was left in the conference room to "wrap up". At that point I could have said that I would mail her a copy of everything and send her on her merry way. But I didn't. I went back through the accounting with her, line by line, making sure she saw every bill and item that was paid. We talked about how hard the holidays this year were for her since it was the first one without her father. We talked about how bittersweet it is to finally be finished with the Estate. It is the FINAL step in the death process for many. THE END. Now there are no other things that have to be dealt with for "dad, mom, sister, brother, child, etc" I only spent about 10 minutes more talking to her and when she left she hugged me and thanked me for my hard work and compassion for her. THANK YOU CLIENT for reminding me why I do this everyday!

-- Coley

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I think it is so important to remember basic customer service skills with our clients. Compassion is something that we as Paralegals can show on a daily basis, because it sometimes is the little things that make the biggest impact/impression on people.
